aperturas psicoanalíticas

aperturas psicoanalíticas

revista internacional de psicoanálisis

Número 009 2001 Revista Internacional de Psicoanálisis Aperturas

Temario JAPA, 29, 1 (2001)

Autor: Aperturas Psicoanalíticas



Volume 49                                    2001                                  Number 1

FROM THE EDITOR                           Japa on the Cutting Edge                                    5

PLENARY ADDRESS              Marvin Margolis
                                                        The American Psychoanalytic Association:
                                                        A Decade of Change                                                  11

COMMENTARY                      Martin S. Willick
                                                       Psychoanalysis and Schizophrenia: A
                                                       Cautionary Tale                                                         27

                                                Vilma Bucci
                                                        Toward a "Psychodynamic Science": The
                                                        State of Current Research                                          57

SCIENTIFIC PAPERS                Howard Shevrin
                                                        Drug Dreams: An Introduction                                    69

                                                Brian Johnson
                                                        Drug Dreams: A Neuropsychoanalytic
                                                        Hypothesis                                                                   75

                                                Norman Doidge
                                                        Introduction to Jeffery: Why
                                                        Psychoanalysts have Low Mortality Rates               97

                                                Edward H. Jeffery
                                                        The Mortality of Psychoanalysts                               103

                                                Sidney J. Blatt and John S. Auerbach
                                                        Mental Representation, Severe
                                                        Psychopathology, and the Therapeytic
                                                        Process                                                                      113

                                                J. Christopher Fowler, Marck J. Hilsenroth, and
                                                Craig Piers
                                                        An Empirical Study of Seriously
                                                        Diturbed Suicidal Patients                                       161

                                                Joseph T. Okimoto
                                                        The Appeal Cycle in Three Cultures:
                                                        An Exploratory Comparison of Child
                                                        Development                                                             187

                                                Lester Luborsky, Jennifer Stuart, Scott
                                                Friedman, Louis Digue, David A. Seligman,
                                                Wilma Bucci, Sydney Pulver, Elizabeth D. Krause,
                                                Jenna Ermold, Walter T. Davison, George Woody,
                                                Erhard Mergenthaler
                                                        The Penn Psychoanalytic Treatment
                                                        Collection: A Set of Complete and Recorder
                                                        Psychoanalyses as a Research Resource           217

                                                Deborah L. Cabaniss, Robert A. Glick, and Steven
                                                P. Roose
                                                        The Columbia Supervision Project: Data From
                                                        the Dyad                                                                   235

PANEL REPORT                     Gail S. Reed
                                                        Shame/Contempt Interchanges: A Frequent
                                                        Component of the Analyst-Patient Interaction     269

JAPA REVIEW OF BOOKS                                                                                         277

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