Número 004 2000
Temario Psych. Dial., 9, 2 (1999)
Autor: Aperturas PsicoanalíticasPSYCHOANALYTIC DIALOGUES
A Journal of Relational Perspectives
________________________________________________________________Volume 9 1999 Number 2
Integrating Kleinian Theory and Intersubjective Infant
Research: Observing Projective Identification
Stephen Seligman, D.M.H. 129
Negative Maternal Attributions, Projective Identification, and
the Intergenerational Transmission of Violent Relational
Robin C. Silverman, Ph.D.
Alicia F. Lieberman, Ph..D. 161
Proyective Identification Reassessed: Comentary on
Papers by Stephen Seligman and by Robin C. Silverman
and Alicia F. Lieberman
James A. Grotstein, M.D. 187
Widening the Bridge: Commentary on Papers by Stephen
Seligman and by Robin C. Silverman and Alicia F.
Anne Alvarez, M.A., M.A.C.P. 205
The Search for Psychological Models: Commentary on
Papers by Stephen Seligman and by Robin C. Silverman
and Alicia F. Lieberman
E. Virginia Demos, Ed. D. 219
Reply to Commentaries
Robin Silverman, Ph.D.
Alicia Lieberman, Ph.D. 229
Infant-Parent Interaction, Phantasies, and an "Internal
Two-Person Psychology": Reply to Commentaries
Stephen Seligman, D.M.H. 235
Interview with Gilliam Straker on the Truth and
Reconciliation Commision in South Africa
Interviewer: Sue van Zyl 245
Psychoanalytic Dialogues: A Journal of Relational Perspectives is published six times yearly by The Analytic Press, Inc. European subscription rates for 2000 are $ 102.50 U.S. (individuals) and $ 245.00 (institutions). To begin your subscription, contact The Analytic Press via phone (800-627-0629, ext 233), fax (785-843-1274) or email (TAPJournals@analyticpress.com).
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